Monday 23 May 2011

Ion Review

I felt like this script had more potential as the space limited them and the acting performances were not quite what I expected. I felt the storyline was cut too short and was left disappointed. However, I must exclude some of the actor's performances as I believe they acted to an extremely high standard and if given the opportunity, this piece of theatre could have been great.

Video Review- Lily Through the Dark

Audio Review- The Nutcracker

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Lady Chatterly's Lover

I was actually disappointed with this show. From looking at the storyline, I expected the performance to be full of lust and passion, but I felt that the two leading actor's performances were life less and left me cold. But I did quite like the costume, it was beautifully designed and faithful to the time period.

Phantom of the Opera

Andrew Lloyd Weber's Phantom is definitely my guilty pleasure! Even after my second time seeing this show is was still dumb-founded by it. I loved the songs, the performer's voices were out of this world and the staging was just fantastic. My seat gave a perfect view of both the action in the rafters and on stage, so I was extremely happy watching the show again and would be more then happy to watch it again.